Mobil™ ATF 134 FE

Mobil passenger-vehicle-lube , Kazakhstan

Automatic Transmission Fluid

Product Description

Mobil™ ATF 134 FE is an Automatic Transmission Fluid especially developed to further optimize gearbox efficiency of latest generation Mercedes-Benz 7-G Tronic Plus automatic transmissions.


Features and Benefits

Mobil ATF 134 is formulated with an advanced additive system in combination with a carefully selected composition of base oils providing excellent thermal stability and wear resistance as well as very good low temperature properties.



Mobil ATF 134 FE is designed for the Daimler automatic transmission type 7-G Tronic Plus. The below articles are introduced for all markets where the predecessor product (Mobil ATF 134) has been sold previously. Mobil ATF 134 FE is only miscible with other officially approved MB 236.15 ATFs and not backwards compatible with previous MB-ATF specifications.


Specifications and Approvals

This product has the following approvals:

MB-Approval 236.15


Health and safety

Health and Safety recommendations for this product can be found on the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) @

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Typical Properties are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not constitute a specification.  Variations that do not affect product performance are to be expected during normal manufacture and at different blending locations.  The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All products may not be available locally. For more information, contact your local ExxonMobil contact or visit
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