Mobil SHC™ 632 helps Indian cement company quadruple stacker reclaimer gearbox oil service schedule*

Generated company-estimated annual savings of US $1,790
industrial maintenance savings
Dalian Cememt Group uses Mobilith SHC 100

Bonfiglioli gearbox
Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited
Dalmiapurum, Tamil Nadu, India


Dalia Cement operates a stacker reclaimer in its Dalmiapuram plant. Lubricated with a conventional ISO 460 VG oil, the gearboxes operated at elevated temperatures and loads, resulting in shear thinning of the gear oil and the need for change-outs every 8,000 hours. In an effort to extend oil drain intervals, Dalia Cement approached ExxonMobil to identify a lubricant solution capable of withstanding these high operating temperatures.


ExxonMobil engineers recommended the company switch to Mobil SHCTM 632synthetic gear oil, an ISO 320 viscosity grade. Formulated with proprietary performance additives and synthetic base oils, Mobil SHC 632 provides a much higher viscosity index and lower traction coefficient than conventional oils. In comparison, it resists high temperature oxidation and shear thinning to provide superior oil film thickness under loads and longer oil drain intervals.


After transitioning to Mobil SHC 632 synthetic gear oil, the company used its plant energy meter to measure a 5.67% increase in energy efficiency and also observed a 20°C reduction in the reclaimer gearbox operating temperature.


The company reports that Mobil SHC 632 has helped extend oil drain intervals by four times, generating significant lubrication and energy cost savings.

*This Proof of Performance is based on the experience of a single customer. Actual results can vary depending upon the type of equipment used and its maintenance, operating conditions and environment, and any prior lubricant used.

**Visit to learn how certain Mobil-branded lubricants may provide benefits to help reduce environmental impact. Actual benefits will depend upon product selected, operating conditions and applications.



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